Hello!Welcome to starlitnova's writing portfolio. Here, you will find samples different types of writing I've done, including: articles, college papers, screenwriting, fanfiction, and zine pieces. This portfolio will be updated periodically to reflect my most up-to-date works. Thank you for visiting!

Art by Ellenent

Zelda Universe

Written under the pseudonym of Clair Belle, a Features Writer, Columnist, and Assistant News Editor.

I've been a member of Zelda Universe since June 2021. I started out as a Features Writer, but have since branched out to writing Columns and News Articles. I was promoted to Assistant News Editor in January 2023.I'm sometimes represented by my Zelda OC, Kokiri Clair, when dealing with the Zelda community.

College Papers

I graduated from college in 2019. Though my major and focus at the time was not English, I was enrolled in several English courses that I succeeded in. I have experience writing analysis, research, and scientific papers.

Creative Writing

Aside from article writing, I've been trying to branch out and dabble in other creative writing styles such as screenwriting and fanfiction.

Zine Work

Zines are a collection of unofficial, fan-made works comprised of artwork and short stories.I've had the opportunity to write for a few which you can see here. My full zine experience can be found over on my main Carrd portfolio.